UIA Gold Medal

UIA Gold Medal

The UIA Gold Medals bestowed by the International Union of Architects (UIA) and celebrates architects who have demonstrated exceptional creativity, innovation, and a profound impact on the built environment.

Over the years, the UIA Gold Medal has been presented to visionary architects such as Frank Gehry, whose iconic Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao redefined architectural possibilities, and Norman Foster, renowned for his groundbreaking designs like the Millau Viaduct in France and the Hearst Tower in New York City. The UIA Gold Medal is a testament to the enduring influence of architects who have reshaped our world through their visionary designs and profound dedication to architectural excellence.

UIA Gold Medal Recipients


Paulo Mendes da Rocha, Brazil, 2021


Toyo Ito, Japan, 2017

Ieoh Ming Pei, USA, 2014

Alvaro Siza Vieira, Portugal, 2011


Teodoro Gonzalez de Leon, Mexico, 2008

Tadao Ando, Japan, 2005

Renzo Piano, Italy, 2002


Ricardo Legorreta Vilchis, Mexico, 1999

Rafael Moneo, Spain, 1996

Fumihiko Maki, Japan, 1993

Charles Correa, India, 1990


Reima Pietila, Finland, 1987

Hassan Fathy, Egypt, 1984