Ricardo Bofill

Spain | 1939-2022

With a career spanning over six decades Spanish architect Ricardo Bofill’s work is characterized by a fusion of modernist and neoclassical elements. His dedication to pushing the boundaries of architectural aesthetics and functionality is evident in his diverse portfolio, which includes the iconic Walden 7 housing complex in Barcelona and the transformation of an abandoned cement factory into the otherworldly La Fábrica headquarters.

Bofill’s architectural philosophy goes beyond mere buildings; it’s about creating spaces that inspire and evoke emotion, ultimately enhancing the human experience.

Portfolio Highlights

Castell de Kafka, Spain (1968)

Walden 7, Spain (1975)

La Muralla Roja, Spain (1973)

La Fábrica, Spain (1975)

Meritxell Sanctuary, Andorra (1978)

Houari Boumedienne Agricultural Village, Algeria (1980)

Les Arcades du Lac, France (1982)

Les Espaces d’Abraxas, France (1982)

W Barcelona Hotel, Spain (2009)

Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco (2016)